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Lincoln Public Schools Volunteer Program

You can make a difference in the life of a student by serving as a volunteer. Each volunteer helps our students learn, grow and succeed. We are grateful to you for sharing your valuable time with Lincoln Public Schools!

Volunteer Levels at Lincoln Public Schools!

LPS classifies volunteers by the type of volunteering activity and level of contact with students.

Level I Volunteers Level II Volunteers Level III Volunteers Coach Volunteers
Are in a highly public setting with minimal direct student contact and are under the supervision of LPS personnel. Level I Volunteers are not required to complete a volunteer application form. Contact the school office directly. Have frequent and indirect student contact under the supervision of LPS staff. Level II Volunteers must complete a volunteer application form below. Have extended contact with students on or off campus, without another LPS employee. Level III Volunteers must complete a volunteer application form below and submit information for a national background check. Note: Social Security Number and date of birth are required to conduct the background check. Have extended contact with student athletes. Coach Volunteers must contact the school directly, complete the coach volunteer application, and submit information for a national background check. Note: Social Security Number and date of birth are required to conduct the background check.
  • Helping in the front office with a mailing
  • Shredding paper
  • Stapling forms
  • Counting flyers for teacher homerooms
  • Shelving books in the media center
  • Decorating in the classroom
  • Room parent
  • Classroom readers
  • Book Fair
  • Classroom Parties
  • Friday Folders
  • Back to School Checkout
  • Field Trip Assistants
  • Chaperoning an overnight band, or cheer trip
  • Sponsoring an after school club
  • Driving for school or club events
  • School Activity outside of the school building that driving or an overnight stay is involved
  • Practices and events with students outside of the school day including weekends
  • Traveling with students during the day, evening and weekends
  • Participate in travel that may include overnight stay with students

Applying to be a Coach Volunteer?

Use the volunteer description above to determine which volunteer level applies to your interest.

Note: Coach Volunteers must contact and speak with each specific school they would like to volunteer at before filling out an application. If applying to coach athletics, the volunteer must first contact each school's athletic office. If applying to coach activities, the volunteer must first contact each school's main office.

Yes - I want to be a Coach Volunteer and have already contacted the school(s)
No - I want to be a Level I, II, or III Volunteer

Please Complete the Application

Personal Information   (At least one phone number is required. All other fields are required.)


  (Will be used for volunteer purposes only)
  (Last 4 digits of your Social Security Number)

Affiliation   (Select at least one)
Parent Stepparent Legal Guardian
Aunt/Uncle Grandparent Sibling
Other Relative  
College Student Neighbor of School H.S. Student
Band Vocal Music
Corporate Volunteer for:  

Volunteer Preference   (Select at least one)
Academic Tutor Classroom Reading Aide Office/Clerical Aide
Room Parent PTA/PTO Library Student Mentor
Intern Club Sponsor Field Trip/Chaperone Sporting Event

Children or Grandchildren   (List any enrolled at LPS)
Child Name School Grade

School Volunteer Preference   (Select at least one)
School Grade

Personal Disclosure

I affirm that I have not been charged with or arrested for any of the following: (a) a felony; (b) rape, including statutory rape, or any other sexual assault; (c) sexual conduct with a minor of any kind; (d) abuse of a minor or child of any kind; (e) endangerment of a child or debauching a minor; (f) public indecency; (g) prostitution, pandering, or keeping a place of prostitution; (h) assault or battery; (i) kidnapping, false imprisonment or abduction; (j) child pornography; or (k) any offense in which a minor was a victim or a witness.

True    Not True  (If not true, please provide a full explanation)

Volunteer Code of Conduct

As a volunteer, I agree to abide by the following Volunteer Code of Conduct:

  1. Volunteers must agree to follow the district procedures for screening volunteers.
  2. Upon arrival volunteers will sign in with the Security Entrance Monitor or designated staff as per the district visitor sign in procedures.
  3. Volunteers will openly display the district visitor badge as required by the school.
  4. Volunteers agree to do what is in the best personal and educational interest of every child.
  5. Volunteers must carefully consider the time commitment they are willing to make in order to create an appropriate balance between volunteering and their personal lives. They also understand that LPS personnel are legally responsible for the overall management and operation of the school and its programs, and that volunteers serve in an advisory capacity unless requested to serve on a decision-making committee as designated by the principal.
  6. Volunteers must keep information confidential in regard to students and/or staff members within the school in which they volunteer. Such information is only to be discussed with the appropriate teacher or staff member at the school.
  7. Volunteers set an example for students.
  8. Volunteers may not discipline students. Such matters are to be referred to the appropriate staff member.
  9. Volunteers agree to notify the school principal if arrested for a misdemeanor or felony sex, drug or weapon related offense.
  10. LPS Facility Use Waiver, Release and Assumption of Risk
  11. Activity/Athletic Volunteer Coach Agreement


I certify that I have made true, correct, and complete answers and statements on this application in the knowledge that they may be relied upon in considering my volunteer application. I understand it is my responsibility to immediately provide updated correct information if any application information changes at any time.

Volunteers shall notify the Director of Security for Lincoln Public Schools within 3 working days after the volunteer is (a) arrested; (b) ticketed; or (c) issued any form of criminal charge for committing an offense, crime or infraction.

The above notification and reporting requirement herein apply if:

  1. The maximum penalty for the crime equals or exceeds seven days incarceration;
  2. The crime relates to abuse, neglect or endangerment of a minor, or a minor was allegedly a victim or a witness.

I understand that any omission, falsification, or misrepresentation made by me on this application or any supplement to it will be sufficient grounds to not allow me to volunteer or terminate placement. I understand that disclosure of my social security number and date of birth are required for me to serve as a Level III Volunteer. And I understand it is needed in order to conduct a national background check for a Level III Volunteer.

In addition, I agree to follow the Volunteer Code of Conduct at all times or cease volunteering immediately.
